Its been 7 weeks since my last post. 7 amazing weeks. 7 weeks today since the birth of my little man. And 7 weeks into now being known as a Mum!
I had every good intention to post sooner but I had no idea how busy a newborns schedule would be - his social life is better than mines been in years! I still have a queue of people dying to meet him.
This is the first time I've managed to find the time amidst all the initial hospital chaos (and many many mistakes and oversights on their part - long story), visits from friends and family, getting to grips with the pram/car seat/ swing, learning to survive with the lack of sleep and initially erratic sleep schedule, getting to know our baby's gorgeous laid back, sociable, head strong personality and gazing endlessly in fascination at his little face and tiny tiny feet Life is now being lived at a hundred miles an hour in a sea of nappies and bottles with multitasking now second nature...but now, I wouldn't have it any other way.
On the 27th Feb 2013, baby Joshua James was born. The induction that was booked was deemed a failure after almost 2 days of intense labour. The contractions were so close together that the doctors made the decision that, as nothing was happening that we had to go ahead with a c-section so Josh didn't get distressed. The c-section went without a hitch and in just 8 minutes after surgery began, our son was lying in his dads arms. In the 28 minutes it took them to stitch me up Baby Daddy and I were chatting happily about what we should call him. A day and a half later he STILL didn't have a name.
We thought when he was born we would know instantly which name would suit him but this didn't happen! We were so distracted by just how gorgeous he looked that we completely forgot about naming him. It was only when we went down to visit him in neo-natal and introduced our selves as parents of baby boy that we remembered the urgency of it. While Josh was being looked after and treated for low blood sugar (due to gestational diabetes) me and BD were frantically scrolling through every baby name site we could find on our phones. Nothing seemed right. But as soon as Josh was wheeled back up to us in his little plastic cot, it clicked. Now, 7 weeks later his name seems perfect ...I still end up calling him 'baby' though - a habit I'm determined to break! :)
The last 7 weeks have seen 2 weekends away, 7 health visitor/ midwife visits, 1 trip to the zoo, 1 mothers day, 284ish nappy changes, 1 trip to the beach and so many beautiful smiles from our little man. Google, youtube and Babycentre forums taught me how to nappy change, bathe, bottle feed and baby massage. They put my mind at ease in the first few days when I wondered if that breathing pattern was normal or how to treat jaundice naturally at home. How any mum coped before the days of the internet I'll never know!
One things for sure this whole experience has given me a new found respect for my mum. Being a new mum is stressful, exhausting, educational but ultimately incredible, fascinating and rewarding. So this is why people have kids!! :)