Monday, 11 February 2013

I'm Loving: The Belly Book Pregnancy Journal

I can't tell you how much I LOVE this pregnancy journal. When I found out I was pregnant, I had this sudden and inexplicable desire to document EVERYTHING. I hadn't kept a diary since I was 12 and even then I didn't seem to have the time or inclination to write decent, regular entries (what with all my energy spent learning the moves to the Macarena, bleaching my hair with lemon juice and avoiding putting my hand up in class). What made me think I could find the time in my adult life to write one?

I spent ages trawling through Amazon reviews and staring up at the shelves in Waterstones. Every journal seemed to be a bit soppy and sentimental (in a bad way). I was beginning to think a pad of lined paper was the only way forward when I came across the Belly Book (The Belly Book: A Nine-Month Journal For You and Your Growing Belly by Amy Krouse Rosenthal). It completely stood out from the rest. Its written in a witty way, styled in a unique way with belly shaped pages and allows you to write as little and as such as you want. The ring bound pages allow you to rip pages out if you didn't manage to keep up with weekly entries if you really want to...but I found I got quickly addicted to it, so no page has been left unfilled.

Each week there's a space to fill in with an entry of the weekly goings on and a little place to put pictures of your growing belly. Every trimester there is space to write about antenatal appointments, scans, and to reflect on the months gone by. Its far from repetitive and monotonous with little polls every now and then such as what emotions you are experiencing that week and sections where you can jot down snap shots of that moment in society such as which book you are reading and which headlines are hitting the news.

This book carries on right until the baby is born and has subsequent books such as 'The Birthday Book' to allow proud Mummy's to continue to document their childs life right up to their 18th Birthday. I will be buying that book and will absolutely be buying this book again if I have more kids. I know as a grown man the last thing my little boy will want to do is read about the 9 months up to and including his birth but who cares, this is for Mummy :)

PS Pregnant friends, yes you will be receiving this as a gift from me.....and you will love it too!

Try it yourself:

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